2015 Summer Implant Symposium: Knowledge Above Opinion

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to the 2015 Summer Implant Symposium: Knowledge Above Opinion.

There is nothing better than doing the things you love with the people you respect and admire.  It is my good fortune once again to have the opportunity being the scientific chairman for an ICOI symposium.


Learning is an aggressive act – you have to “show up” and attend meetings, practice what you have learned, and then go on to acquire more education.  The ICOI is pledged to be with you every step along the way.


It is a privilege to invite each of our renowned faculty from countries around the world to San Francisco.  Because education is such a crucial part for our growth as clinicians this faculty has accepted the challenge to share their knowledge and experience.


The course material is planned to enrich your education and enhance your practice.  The curriculum includes discourses pertaining to; Occlusion, Management of Bruxism, Full Arch Rehabilitation, Innovative Surgical Procedures, Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning, Laboratory Procedures, Immediate Placement of Implants, Soft Tissue Management, Management of Risks and Complications, and much more.


This symposium is designed for clinicians who strive to develop a strong state of the art implant practice.
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 2015 Summer Implant Symposium.  I promise that you will have an enriching educational experience.



Best regards,
Dennis Smiler, DDS, MScD
Scientific Program Chairman
